Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Membangun Aplikasi Distributed Application dengan Powerbuilder

Arsitektur Distributed Application vs Client Server Application

Distributed application development, also called multitier development, offers a natural way to separate the user interface components of an application from the business logic that the application requires. By centralizing business logic on a middle-tier server, you can reduce the workload on the client and control access to sensitive information.

In a distributed application, the client and server work together to perform tasks for the business user. The client handles all interactions with the user while the middle-tier server provides background services to the client. Typically, the middle-tier server performs most of the processing and database access. To invoke the services of the server, the client calls a method (or function) associated with a component (or object) that resides on the server.

Client-side logic for enterprise applications must be as small and efficient as possible to conserve network bandwidth. To accomplish this goal, applications are partitioned into three parts: presentation, business logic, and database access. The database resides on the bottom tier of the enterprise system to maintain and secure the organization's information assets. The business logic resides in the middle tier or server. The presentation is on the user's desktop, or top tier, or is dynamically downloaded to the user's desktop.

The server is then responsible for executing and securing the vast majority of a corporation's business logic. This makes it a critical component in the network-centric architecture. The client communicates with the server, calling middle-tier components that perform business logic.

A Web application is a variation of the distributed architecture where the client is hosted in a Web browser. PowerBuilder provides several technologies for building Web applications, including .NET Web Forms deployment and the Web DataWindow, which provide a thin client solution. The architecture of your application varies depending on which technologies you decide to use.
For more information, see Chapter 28, “Web Application Development with PowerBuilder.”

PowerBuilder developers can build clients that invoke the services of Sybase EAServer, COM+, and other application servers, and build components (or objects) that execute business logic inside each of these servers.

PowerBuilder also provides support for building clients for Enterprise JavaBeans components (EJBs) running on any J2EE-compliant server.

PowerBuilder and EAServer are fully integrated. A PowerBuilder application can act as a client to any EAServer component. In addition, EAServer can contain PowerBuilder custom class user (nonvisual) objects that execute as middle-tier components.

EAServer hosts the PowerBuilder virtual machine natively. This means that EAServer can communicate directly with PowerBuilder nonvisual user objects, and vice versa. EAServer components developed in PowerBuilder can take full advantage of the ease of use and flexibility of PowerScript and the richness of PowerBuilder’s system objects.

Components developed in PowerBuilder can exploit features such as transactions, interoperability, and instance pooling. As shown in Figure 22-1, any type of client can access any type of component running in EAServer, regardless of the language used to develop the component.
Figure 22-1: Clients and components in EAServer

For more information, see Chapter 23, “Building an EAServer Component” and Chapter 24, “Building an EAServer Client.”

J2EE, the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition, is the official Java framework for enterprise application development. A J2EE application is composed of separate components that are installed on different computers in a multitiered system. Figure 22-2 shows three tiers in this system: the client tier, middle tier, and Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) tier. The middle tier is sometimes considered to be made up of two separate tiers: the Web tier and the business tier.

Client components, such as application clients and applets, run on computers in the client tier. Web components, such as Java servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP) components, run on J2EE servers in the Web tier. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) components are business components and run on J2EE servers in the business tier. The EIS tier is made up of servers running relational database management systems, enterprise resource planning applications, mainframe transaction processing, and other legacy information systems. In PowerBuilder, you can build client applications that use the services of EJB components running on any J2EE-compliant server. For more information, see Chapter 27, “Building an EJB client.”

You can also deploy custom class user objects to third-party application servers on which the PowerBuilder Application Server Plug-in is installed. The plug-in is a Sybase product that supports several application servers. Wizards that help you generate application server components that you can deploy to these servers and proxies that you can use to build client applications are built into PowerBuilder, but you must install the plug-in product separately. The wizards and techniques are very similar to those used for building EAServer components and clients. For more information, see the documentation for the PowerBuilder Application Server Plug-in on the Product Documents Web site at

A PowerBuilder application can act as a client to a COM server. The server can be built using any COM-compliant application development tool and it can run locally, on a remote computer as an in-process server, or in COM+. For more information, see Chapter 26, “Building a COM or COM+ Client.”

Membuat Komponen EAServer

1.     About building an EAServer component

PowerBuilder provides tools for developing custom class (nonvisual) user objects and deploying them as EAServer components. You can deploy these components to an EAServer host running on Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems. See “Deploying a component to EAServer” on page 464.
Limitations on UNIX
If you plan to deploy components to a UNIX or Linux server, you should be aware that the PowerBuilder runtime libraries on these platforms do not support graphical operations or calls to the Windows application programming interface.

PowerBuilder provides several wizards to facilitate the development and deployment of EAServer components. All of the wizards build an EAServer project:
*        Target wizard,
Creates a new target, a new application object, a new custom class user object, and a new EAServer project
*        Object wizard,
Creates a new custom class user object in an existing target and a new EAServer project
*        Project wizard,
Creates an EAServer project in which you select one or more existing custom class user objects

To build and deploy an EAServer component from a custom class user object, complete the following steps:
1.      Use the EAServer Component Target Wizard to create a new user object in a new target. Alternatively, if you are working in an existing target, you can use the EAServer Component Object wizard to create the object.
These wizards also allow you to enter information exposing the new user object as a Web service.
2.      Add functions, events, and instance variables to the generated user object in the User Object painter.
3.      Test and debug the object.
4.      Deploy the object to EAServer.

To test or deploy an EAServer component that you developed in PowerBuilder, create a project object and build the project. You can create a project object from the Target, Object, or Project wizard.

To deploy a component, open the project in the Project painter, optionally modify the project settings, and build the project. When you do this, the EAServer component generator deploys the component interface and the PowerBuilder implementation of that interface to the target server.

For testing purposes, you can use live editing to build the project automatically from the User Object painter. This removes the need to build the project from the Project painter. When live editing is enabled in the User Object painter, PowerBuilder builds the project for an EAServer component each time you save the user object. For more information on live editing, see “Testing and debugging the component” on page 453.

When you create a new user object by using the EAServer Target or Object wizard, you can optionally create a To-Do List. If you check the Generate To-Do List box on the last page of the wizard, the wizard adds tasks to the To-Do List to remind you to complete all phases of development.

An application server profile is a named set of parameters stored in your system registry that defines a connection to a particular EAServer or third-party application server host. Before you use a wizard to create a component, you should create a profile for the server where the component will be deployed.
The Application Server Profiles dialog box lists your defined profiles. You create, edit, delete, and test application server profiles from this dialog box.

Application Server Pofiles

In the EAServer and Application Server Component and Proxy wizards, there is a Manage Profiles button on the Choose EAServer Profile or Choose Application Server Profile page. Clicking this button opens the Application Server Profiles dialog box so that you can add a new profile or modify an existing profile without leaving the wizard.

The Profile Name in the Edit Application Server Profile dialog box cannot be edited. This is because the name is stored in the project object along with the other properties of the profile. If the profile name cannot be found in the registry when the project is deployed, the description in the project object is used.

To create an application server profile:
1.      Click the Application Server Profile button in the PowerBar.
The Application Server Profiles dialog box displays, listing your configured profiles.
2.      Select Add.
The Edit Application Server Profile dialog box displays.
3.      Type the profile name, server name, port number, login name, and password (if required).
4.      (Optional) Select Test to verify the connection.
5.      Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog box.
The Application Server Profiles dialog box displays, with the new profile name listed. The Application Server profile values are saved in the registry in HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Sybase/PowerBuilder/12.0/ JaguarServerProfiles.

2.     Working with shared and service components

When you create an EAServer component in PowerBuilder, the wizard offers you a choice of creating a standard, shared, or service component.

The EAServer architecture is component-oriented. Each component maintains its own state. When a single client instantiates several PowerBuilder objects on the server, EAServer maintains program variable space for the objects separately. Each PowerBuilder user object running in EAServer has its own copy of the global and shared variables. The PowerBuilder objects share no common state. They can communicate only through methods, EAServer shared components, server files, and databases.

To allow clients to share state information, EAServer provides support for shared components. Shared components allow multiple clients to share the same component instance.

EAServer Manager and the Management Console
In EAServer 5.x, you use EAServer Manager to manage properties in EAServer. In EAServer 6.x, you use the EAServer Manager plug-in the Sybase Management Console.

Marking a component as shared in a PowerBuilder wizard is equivalent to marking it as shared on the General page of the component’s properties in the Management Console or the Instances page in EAServer Manager. Only a single instance of the component can be instantiated in EAServer.
Clients (and other server components) access a shared component as if it were any other kind of component.

Shared components allow you to:
*         Provide convenient access to common data that would otherwise need to be retrieved separately by each client connection
*         Reduce the number of database accesses, allowing the database server to be available for other processing

EAServer shared components offer many of the same benefits as PowerBuilder shared objects. PowerBuilder components that you deploy to EAServer can act as clients to EAServer shared components, as well as to PowerBuilder shared objects. EAServer shared components can also be accessed by components and clients that are not imp lemented in PowerBuilder.

However, EAServer does not treat PowerBuilder shared objects as if they were EAServer shared components. Therefore, the functions used to manipulate PowerBuilder shared objects (SharedObjectRegister, SharedObjectGet, and so forth) do not work with EAServer shared components. If you try to call one of these functions inside a PowerBuilder component running in EAServer, the request will fail.

A service component performs background processing for EAServer clients and other EAServer components. EAServer loads service components at server start-up time.

When you mark a component as a service component in one of the PowerBuilder wizards, PowerBuilder installs the component as a service in EAServer at deployment time.

When you create a service component, the wizard marks the component as shared. If you want more than one instance of a service component, you can change that setting in the Project painter. Select the number of instances you want in the Create Instances spin control on the Components page of the EAServer Component Generator property sheet in the Project painter. Notice that when you change the number of instances to a number greater than one, the Concurrency and Automatic Demarcation/Deactivation are checked. This is to ensure that the component does not encounter threading issues in EAServer. For more information, see "Threading issues and component types" next.

The PowerBuilder wizards include three additional functions for a service component. These functions are defined in the CTSServices::GenericServices interface and allow you to control the behavior of background processes associated with the service:
*      Start EAServer calls the Start function after the service component has been loaded. You can add logic to this function to perform start-up initialization for the service.
*      Run EAServer calls the Run function after the first invocation of the Start function returns. The Run function allows you to perform repetitive tasks as a background process. The Run function must periodically suspend its own execution by calling the JagSleep C function. The JagSleep function frees the CPU to perform other tasks. To use the JagSleep function, declare an external function for JagSleep in PowerBuilder. Here is the syntax to use for the function declaration:
subroutine JagSleep (Long seconds) LIBRARY

*      Stop This function allows you to stop the execution of the background process coded in the Run function. You can implement a service-manager client for your service that calls Stop, Start, and Run so that the service can be restarted without restarting EAServer. The script for the Stop function can also clean up any resources that were allocated in the Start function.

Each instance of a PowerBuilder component executes in its own session, and each session can support only one thread of execution. Therefore a single PowerBuilder component instance cannot simultaneously execute multiple client requests. However, multiple instances of the same component can each execute a separate client request. When you create a component, PowerBuilder sets default values for several properties that affect the way threads are handled in EAServer.

Using the Thread Manager
You can also use the EAServer Thread Manager to develop more robust services. See “Using the EAServer Thread Manager” on page 419.

The Concurrency property determines whether multiple instances of a component can be created to handle multiple client requests. Checking the Concurrency check box in the wizard or the Project painter sets the property to TRUE.

Standard components, For standard components, you can improve performance by allowing multiple instances of a component to handle client requests. The default setting for the concurrency property for standard components is checked, but you can change the setting if you want only one instance of a given component.
Shared components, For shared components, only one instance of the component should be active at any time and therefore only one thread can be executed. The Concurrency check box is disabled and not checked for shared components.

Service components, Although service components are usually treated as shared components, you can choose to create more than one instance of a service component to improve performance and scalability. There are three options on the Components page that interact for service components:
Concurrency, Automatic Demarcation/Deactivation, and Create Instances (the Create Instances option can be changed only for service components).

When you change the Create Instances option to 2 or more, the Concurrency check box and the Automatic Demarcation/Deactivation check box become checked. Multiple instances of the service component can be created if necessary, and are deactivated after each method call. If you clear the Automatic Demarcation/Deactivation check box, so that you need to explicitly deactivate component instances, the Create Instances check box is reset to 1 and the Concurrency check box is cleared.

There are three other component properties that affect the handling of threads in EAServer: sharing, tx_vote, and bind.thread.

Bind Object property not used, An additional property, bind.object, enables client threads to execute in a single instance but also supports creation of multiple instances. This property cannot be used for PowerBuilder components and is always set to FALSE.

When the bind.thread property is set to TRUE, a method on a component instance must execute on the same thread that created the instance. This property must be set to TRUE if you are using live editing to build your component. It should be set to FALSE for components that are deployed to UNIX servers to improve scalability.

The sharing property identifies whether or not the component is shared. It is set to FALSE when you select Standard in the wizard and to TRUE when you select Shared or Service. The only way this property can be changed in PowerBuilder is by changing the Create Instances setting on the Components tab page for service components in the Project painter. If either the sharing or property is set to TRUE, the other must be set to FALSE.

A component that can remain active between consecutive method invocations is called a stateful component. A component that is deactivated after each method call and that supports instance pooling is said to be a stateless component. Typically, an application built with stateless components offers the greatest scalability. The tx_vote property determines whether the component is deactivated after every method call. It is set to FALSE (stateless) if you check the Automatic demarcation/deactivation check box in the wizard or select more than one instance on the Component page in the Project painter; otherwise it is set to TRUE (stateful). You can have only one instance of a stateful service object.

Table 23-1 summarizes the default setting for each type of component and shows which can be changed.
Table 23-1: Thread-handling properties
FALSE, dapat berubah
FALSE, tetap
TRUE, dapat berubah
FALSE, dapat berubah
FALSE, dapat berubah
TRUE, tetap
FALSE, dapat berubah
FALSE, dapat berubah
TRUE, tetap
FALSE, dapat berubah
FALSE, dapat berubah
FALSE, dapat berubah
FALSE, tetap
TRUE, dapat berubah
FALSE, dapat berubah
Jika diubah jadi
TRUE, maka angka instance diset
1, dibagi menjadi
TRUE, dan berikutnya FALSE.

3.     Providing support for instance pooling
4.     Providing support for transactions
5.     Accessing a database from an EAServer component
6.     Defining the component interface
7.     Implementing an existing interface
8.     Invoking another server component’s methods
9.     Accessing component properties
10.  Exposing an NVO as a Web service
11.  Testing and debugging the component
12.  Printing data
13.  Deploying a component to EAServer

Monday, August 25, 2014

Merubah Kolom dalam Database DB2

Berikut ini script SQL untuk merubah kolom dalam database DB2 

Syntax : 
ALTER TABLE [nama tabel] ALTER COLUMN [nama kolom] SET DATA TYPE [tipe data] 
Syntax SQL di atas bertujuan untuk merubah tipe data suatu tabel dalam database tertentu. 

Contoh : 
Misalnya kita akan merubah sebuah kolom ALAMAT dalam tabel MASTER.PEGAWAI. Kolom tersebut akan kita ubah ukuran tipe datanya, dari VARCHAR(60) menjadi VARCHAR(120). 


Catatan :
Dalam database DB2, tipe data CHAR tidak bisa dilakukan.
Trik untuk melakukan perubahannya yaitu dengan cara mengcreate ulang tabel bersangkutan dengan tipe data yang baru.

Misalnya kita akan merubah tipe data JNS_PEGAWAI dalam tabel MASTER.PEGAWAI dari tipe data CHAR(1) menjadi VARCHAR(3). Caranya yaitu sebagai berikut :
  1. Copy tabel yang akan kita ubah (
  2. Buat script create tabel baru dengan tipe data JNS_PEGAWAI VARCHAR(3)

Monday, August 4, 2014

Menambahkan Library JCalendar di Netbeans

Menambahkan library JCalendar kedalam netbeans Untuk menambahkan library JCalendar ke dalam NetBeas IDE yaitu sebagai berikut : 
  1. download dulu file di site 
  2. extract file tersebut. 
  3. kemudian di Netbeans pilih menu Tools --> palette --> Swing/AWT Components. 
  4. Kemudian Klik button New category dan beri nama JCalendar. 
  5. klik button Add from JAR… . 
  6. Masuk ke forder jcalendar yang telah di extract tadi dan buka file di forder lib kemudian pilih jcalendar-1.3.2.jar dan klik button next. 
  7. Pilih semua komponen yang ada dan klik button next. 
  8. Pilih category yang telah kita buat yaitu JCalendar kemudian klik button Finish dan close. 
  9. kemudian check lagi komponen pada palette anda dan didalam palette tersebut akan ditampilkan komponen yang sudah kita tambahkan tadi.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Contoh Query dengan fungsi Exists

Berikut ini beberapa contoh query dengan fungsi Exists SELECT * FROM USERID.BLOKIR_SALDO WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM USERID.SAVE_MASTER B WHERE B.KD_STATUS = '1' AND USERID.BLOKIR_SALDO.KD_CAB = B.KD_CAB AND USERID.BLOKIR_SALDO.NO_REK = B.NO_REK ) select,, 'Y' as HasChild from t1 where exists ( select 1 from t2 where = UNION select,, 'N' as HasChild from t1 where NOT exists ( select 1 from t2 where =

Monday, June 9, 2014

Using the BCP utility to input and output data to/from Sybase

When performing database maintenance you will occasionally find the need to export data out of your database tables to an operating system for storage, or conversely import data to a table from a file. You may find yourself needing to do these tasks for data backup or for inserting data that comes from a 3rd party export. Sybase makes this process simple by the Bulk Copy Utility (BCP).

Basic BCP Usage

BCP as it’s name suggest is used for 1 purpose the bulk copy of data to and from Sybase Tables. To utilize the utility the basic command format is:
bcp DATABASE..TABLE out C:DBtemp.txt
If you wanted to perform an import you simply switch the out keyword for in.

BCP Option Flags

In addition to the command there are a few options you may also find yourself using.
  • Server Flag -S You can specify the Database Server you are accessing by use of the -S flag followed by the Server. (e.g. -S SYBABC )
  • User Flag -U If you are not using credentials outlined in your .ini file then you can specify the User you would like to use for authentication using the -U flag followed by the user name. (e.g. -U guest)
  • Password Flag -P If no password is supplied then a prompt will occur to input it. You can use the -P flag to specify the password to use to bypass the prompt. (e.g. -P test123)
  • Native Format -n To export data in native format which is not readable by looking directly at the file you can use the -n flag. This mode will make it so you don’t have to specify the column format during export.
  • Char Format -c To export all data in basic char format then you can use the -c flag. This mode will also make it so you don’t have to specify the column format during export.
  • Tab Format -t The default format for delimiting data columns per row is the tab character to specify a different delimiter -t can be used followed by the new delimiter.
  • Row Format -r If you want to have a different delimiter then the new line character in your export you can modify it by using the -r flag followed by the new delimiter.

Basic BCP Output Example

bcp DATABASE..TABLE out C:DBtemp.txt -c -S server -U userName -P password

Basic BCP Input Example

bcp DATABASE..TABLE inC:DBtemp.txt -c -S server -U userName -P password
The Bulk Copy Utility (BCP) is a very simple and versatile tool. If you find yourself doing a lot of database management you may want to familiarize yourself with it as it can save you a lot of time, effort, and headaches.


Syntax BCP Out dengan kondisi tertentu

Perintah BCP dikenal dalam database Sybase berfungsi untuk melakukan copy data dari suatu table. Copy data tabel ini bisa keseluruhan data maupun berdasarkan kondisi query tertentu.
Misalnya saja kita akan melakukan copy data dari data Master CIF dengan kondisi Nasabah yang tahun kelahirannya diatas tahun 1990.
Syntax BCP yang dapat kita jalankan yaitu sebagai berikut :
bcp NamaDatabase.NamaTabel out NamaFile --initstring "select * from NamaDatabase.NamaTabel where kondisi " -c-Usa -Ppassword -SServerName  

Contoh :
bcp DBTEST.MASTER.CIF out CIF1990.TXT --initstring "select * from DBTEST.MASTER.CIF where YEAR(BIRDTHDY) = 1990 " -c-Usa -Ppassword -SServerTest