Saturday, June 8, 2013

Restore or load database sybase


Loads a backup copy of a user database, including its transaction log, that was created with dump database.
The target platform of a load database operation need not be the same platform as the source platform where the dump database operation occurred. dump database and load database are performed from either a big endian platform to a little endian platform, or from a little endian platform to a big endian platform.


To make a routine database load:

load database database_name 
 from [compression=]stripe_device 
  [at backup_server_name ]
  [density = density_value, 
  blocksize = number_bytes, 
  dumpvolume = volume_name, 
  file = file_name] 
  with verify only [ = header | full]
 [stripe on [compression=]stripe_device 
  [at backup_server_name ]
  [density = density_value, 
  blocksize = number_bytes,
  dumpvolume = volume_name, 
  file = file_name]
 [[stripe on [compression=]stripe_device 
  [at backup_server_name ]
  [density = density_value, 
  blocksize = number_bytes, 
  dumpvolume = volume_name, 
  file = file_name]]...]
 [with {
  density = density_value, 
  blocksize = number_bytes, 
  dumpvolume = volume_name, 
  file = file_name, 
  [dismount | nodismount],
  [nounload | unload],
  passwd = password, 
  notify = {client | operator_console}
To return header or file information without loading the backup:

load database database_name 
 from [compress::]stripe_device 
  [at backup_server_name ] 
  [density = density_value, 
  blocksize = number_bytes, 
  dumpvolume = volume_name, 
  file = file_name]
 [stripe on [compress::]stripe_device
  [at backup_server_name ] 
  [density = density_value, 
  blocksize = number_bytes, 
  dumpvolume = volume_name, 
  file = file_name] 
 [[stripe on [compress::]stripe_device 
  [at backup_server_name ] 
  [density = density_value, 
  blocksize = number_bytes, 
  dumpvolume = volume_name, 
  file = file_name]]...] 
 [with {
  density = density_value,, 
  blocksize = number_bytes, 
  dumpvolume = volume_name, 
  file = file_name, 
  [dismount | nodismount],
  [nounload | unload],
  passwd = password, 
  listonly [= full],
  notify = {client | operator_console}


is the name of the database to receive the backup copy. It can be either a database created with the for load option, or an existing database. Loading dumped data to an existing database overwrites all existing data. The receiving database must be at least as large as the dumped database. The database name can be specified as a literal, a local variable, or a stored procedure parameter.

invokes the decompression of the archived database. For more information about the compress option, see Chapter 27, “Backing Up and Restoring User Databases” in the System Administration Guide.
NoteSybase recommends the native "compression = compress_level" option as preferred over the older "compress::compression_level" option. If you use the native option for dump database, you do not need to use "compress::compression_level" when loading your database.

from stripe_device
is the device from which data is being loaded. See “Specifying dump devices” for information about what form to use when specifying a dump device. For a list of supported dump devices, see the Adaptive Server installation and configuration guides.

at backup_server_name
is the name of a remote Backup Server running on the machine to which the dump device is attached. For platforms that use interfaces files, the backup_server_name must appear in the interfaces file.

density = density_value
is ignored. For more information, see the dump database command.

blocksize = number_bytes
overrides the default block size for a dump device. If you specify a block size on UNIX systems, it should be identical to that used to make the dump. For more information, see the dump database command.

dumpvolume = volume_name
is the volume name field of the ANSI tape label. load database checks this label when the tape is opened and generates an error message if the wrong volume is loaded.
NoteWhen using load database, the dumpvolume option does not provide an error message if an incorrect file name is given for the file=filename option. The backup server searches the entire tape looking for that file, regardless of an incorrect tape mounted.

file = file_name
is the name of a particular database dump on the tape volume. If you did not record the dump file names when you made the dump, use listonly to display information about all dump files.

stripe on stripe_device
is an additional dump device. You can use up to 32 devices, including the device named in the to stripe_device clause. The Backup Server loads data from all devices concurrently, reducing the time and the number of volume changes required. See “Specifying dump devices” for more information.

indicates that the database you are loading was compressed to a file on a remote server. You do not need to specify the compression level for load database.
NoteSybase recommends the native "compression = compress_level" option as preferred over the older "compress::compression_level" option. If you use the native option for dump database, you do not need to use "compress::compression_level" when loading your database.

dismount | nodismount
on platforms that support logical dismount – determines whether tapes remain mounted. By default, all tapes used for a load are dismounted when the load completes. Use nodismount to keep tapes available for additional loads or dumps.

nounload | unload
determines whether tapes rewind after the load completes. By default, tapes do not rewind, allowing you to make additional loads from the same tape volume. Specify unload for the last dump file to be loaded from a multidump volume. This rewinds and unloads the tape when the load completes.

passwd = password
is the password you provided to protect the dump file from unauthorized users. The password must be between 6 and 30 characters long.

listonly [ = full]
displays information about all dump files on a tape volume, but does not load the database. listonly identifies the database and device, the date and time the dump was made, and the date and time it can be overwritten. listonly = full provides additional details about the dump. Both reports are sorted by ANSI tape label.
After listing the files on a volume, the Backup Server sends a volume change request. The operator can either mount another tape volume or terminate the list operation for all dump devices.
Due to current implementation, the listonly option overrides the headeronly option.
WARNING! Do not use load database with listonly on 1/4-inch cartridge tape.

with verify only [ = header | full]
The backupserver performs a minimal header or structural row check on the data pages as they are being copied to the archives. There are no structural checks done at this time to gam, oam, allocation pages, indexes, text, or log pages. The only other check is done on pages where the page number matches to the page header.

displays header information for a single dump file, but does not load the database. headeronly displays information about the first file on the tape unless you use the file = file_name option to specify another file name. The dump header indicates:
  • Type of dump (database or transaction log)
  • Database ID
  • File name
  • Date the dump was made
  • Character set
  • Sort order
  • Page count
  • Next object ID

notify = {client | operator_console}
overrides the default message destination.
  • On operating systems that offer an operator terminal feature, volume change messages are always sent to the operator terminal on the machine on which the Backup Server is running. Use client to route other Backup Server messages to the terminal session that initiated the dump database.
  • On operating systems (such as UNIX) that do not offer an operator terminal feature, messages are sent to the client that initiated the dump database. Use operator_console to route messages to the terminal on which the Backup Server is running.


Example 1

Reloads the database pubs2 from a tape device:

load database pubs2 
    from "/dev/nrmt0"

Example 2

Loads the pubs2 database, using the Backup Server REMOTE_BKP_SERVER. This command names three devices:

load database pubs2
        from "/dev/nrmt4" at REMOTE_BKP_SERVER
    stripe on "/dev/nrmt5" at REMOTE_BKP_SERVER
    stripe on "/dev/nrmt0" at REMOTE_BKP_SERVER

Example 3

Loads the pubs2 database from a compressed dump file called dmp090100.dmp located at /opt/bin/Sybase/dumps:

load database pubs2 from 
source : 

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